purple tinted, zoomed in black and white picture of scattered books

My Projects

Here you will find links to and descriptions of project I've worked on over my time at Pitt-Greensburg.
Teen Titans Project
Fall 2019 - Spring 2020 (Hum 1030: Coding and Digital Archives & Hum 1050: Coding and Data Visualization)

In the Fall of 2019, Lauren McNeill and I started the Teen Titans project, where our goal was to mark up data and metadata of transcripts of the Teen Titans original series (2003) and the 1980's comic The New Teen Titans. We used XML to mark up both texts, then with the help of Dr. Elisa Beshero-Bondar and Alyssa Argento, I styled the website to be able to put up the texts in a certain section of it. This part of the project was lengthy because of how many episodes there were to go through; I ended up doing about half of those, whereas Lauren did the other half and the comic book markup of metadata. I was then able to take the information given in the episode XML files and output Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) to show which characters spoke the most within any given episode. The episode files also allowed me to run Javascript to be able to toggle colors on and off where each of the Titans spoke within the transcripts. After organizing all of the work, we were able to run Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSLT) to make transformations of the XML files. This allowed us to organize them up on the website to have the tv episodes with their corresponding comics on the same page.

The Lonely Months Project
Spring 2022 (Engwrt 1022: Digital Storytelling 2 - Spring 2022)

For Digital Storytelling 2, we were tasked with creating our own project however we'd like, as long as it has digital components of it, as opposed to a static blog. My project is hosted online (formerly on my student site, now on here). I call it "The Lonely Months project: On the Days When I Can't Think of Myself, I Think About You Instead." The poem is available to read on the page, next to the digital part: visual poetry. These are primarily comprised of little video snippets and some images, with me reading the poem as a voiceover. This further tells the story that the poems already tell, since the viewers get the visual and audio aspects.

I hope that giving a visual aspect to some of my poetry helps invoke a deeper meaning in the words, for myself as the writer, and for my audience: The consumers, the ones who can still find love in the words they read even while they ache for their own outlet. The escapers, who need what I needed when I was younger–the ones who know the weight and the worth of a sentence and that if you blink too soon you might miss the next phase of your life. And for the doubters, the ones who don’t think that words on a page, or on a screen, or in the mind, can have any kind of effect. I hope this proves you wrong.

As a note, two of the poems have been taken offline because they are actively being reviewed as submissions to various publications. Autumn Mournings and Breakfast Thoughts appear in Pitt-Greensburg's Pendulum (Spring 2022).

Social Posts

I created social media posts for two of the organizations I was involved with on campus (Gender and Sexuality Alliance and our chapter of Sigma Tau Delta) as well as a local organization. Flyers and social posts were created using Canva. . Examples can be found by clicking the link above.

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